Introduction for developers#
Welcome to the developer documentation! Here, we’ll guide you through the design of the C++ library and the Python bindings.
GQCP has two main components: the C++ library gqcp
and its associated Python bindings gqcpy
, which is reflected in the folder structure of the GitHub: files that belong to gqcp
can be found in the ./gqcp
folder and files that belong gqcpy
can be found in the ./gqcpy
folder. Pretty straightforward.
Note: Here
means the root folder of the repository, i.e. the one that is created after cloning this repository.
The ./gqcp
-folder has three main parts:
, which collects all C++ header files (*.hpp
, which collects all C++ source files (*.cpp
, which collects all our C++ unit tests (*_test.cpp
The Python bindings don’t require any headers, so we only have two subfolders of ./gqcpy
, which collects all C++ source files that are used to generate the bindings (*_bindings.cpp
, which collects some illustrative calculations in Jupyter Notebooks.
Inside these folders, we have added the following structure:
Basis: for everything related to spinors, spinor basis and transformations
DensityMatrix: for everything related to density matrices
Mathematical: for general mathematical utilities, not directly related to quantum chemistry
Molecule: for everything related to molecules and nuclei
ONVBasis: for everything related to ONVs and bases for Fock (sub)spaces
Operator: for everything related to first- and second-quantized operators
Processing: for collecting everything that happens after the determination of the optimal values of the electronic structure model’s parameters, like response calculations
QCMethod: for the determination of the optimal parameters of an electronic structure model
Utilities: for collecting general utilities that do not belong elsewhere
General structure of the C++ library#
In this section, we will go over the main aspects of the C++ library. It is meant as an introduction to the source code for interested users, but mainly for C++ developers that are interested in how GQCP works under the hood. By reading this section, we assume that you are familiar with C++.
Second-quantized operators#
Since the GQCP source code uses concepts related to second quantization, we should start by examining the core objects SQOneElectronOperator
and SQTwoElectronOperator
: the prefix ‘SQ’ means ‘second-quantized’, we have used it in order to somewhat abbreviate the class names.
, which is not a real class but is used to refer to either SQOneElectronOperator
or SQTwoElectronOperator
, encapsulates the integrals/parameters that are present in the corresponding second-quantized expression, so there must be a way to create an SQOperator
from its integrals/parameters.
Let us go through a small snippet to create an SQOneElectronOperator
#include <gqcp.hpp>
// Initialize a matrix and convert it into an operator
GQCP::SquareMatrix<double> M (2); // the matrix representation
M << 1.0, 2.0,
3.0, 4.0;
const GQCP::ScalarRSQOneElectronOperator<double> op {M}; // the operator itself
If the syntax for the matrix-related objects feels familiar for other C++ developers, it might be because we use the amazing linear algebra library Eigen for representing vectors, matrices and tensors and performing BLAS/LAPACK operations.
In this example, we first create a matrix representation using Eigen’s syntax and afterwards create an SQOneElectronOperator
from it.
is actually a class template, which has two template arguments.
The first one is the underlying type of the matrix elements/integrals/parameters, and the second is the number of components the operator has.
We are most often working with SQOperator
s with only one component, like the kinetic energy operator, or the Coulomb repulsion operator, but occasionally, we work with electronic dipole operators as well.
You might have guessed, but ScalarRSQOperator
is just an alias, which for SQOneElectronOperator
is written as follows:
template <typename Scalar>
using ScalarRSQOneElectronOperator = RSQOneElectronOperator<Scalar, ScalarVectorizer>;
In order to access the underlying integrals/parameters/matrix elements, we use the API .parameters(component_index)
or .allParameters()
. Building on the previous example, we can now write the following.
#include <gqcp.hpp>
// Initialize two matrices and convert them into the two components of an operator
GQCP::SquareMatrix<double> M1 (2); // the first matrix representation
M1 << 1.0, 2.0,
3.0, 4.0;
GQCP::SquareMatrix<double> M2 = GQCP::SquareMatrix<double>::Identity(2); // the second first matrix representation
// Construct an operator with two components
const GQCP::SQOneElectronOperator<double, 2> op ({M1, 2*M1*M2}); // note that we can naturally work with multiplications of matrices thanks to SquareMatrix inheriting from Eigen
const auto all_components = op.allParameters(); // return all the components
std::cout << op.parameters(1)(0,1) << std::endl; // access the element (0,1) of the first component: this should print '2'
We should note that this type of access both works in a read-only and a write way.
Flexible solver algorithms#
In GQCP, we have chosen for a flexible solver design instead of only providing our users with our implementations of certain optimization algorithms, like RHF SCF or Newton-step based minimizers.
The first class we will discuss is the IterativeSolver
. At its core, it provides the implementation of .perform()
, which iterates until the maximum number of allowed iterations is reached, or the convergence criterion is reached. In every iteration step, it will check if the convergence criterion is fulfilled, and if it is not, it will continue to execute all the steps in its StepCollection
Convergence criteria can be implemented by deriving from ConvergenceCriterion
and implementing its isFulfilled()
method. An example for RHF SCF would be to check the norm on two subsequent density matrices. One important realization is that the iteration steps and the convergence criteria must be able to access the information that the algorithm in its entirety produces. For RHF SCF, this would be the coefficient matrices, the density matrices, the Fock matrices, etc. That is why every IterativeSolver
, its StepCollection
, its Step
s and ConvergenceCriterion
must all be defined with respect to an Environment
, which is the template parameter that should be attached to each of these classes.
An example can make many things clear. Suppose we would like to do an RHF SCF calculation. The code that creates our suggested type of plain RHF SCF solver is the following:
IterativeAlgorithm<Environment> Plain(const double threshold = 1.0e-08, const size_t maximum_number_of_iterations = 128) {
// Create the iteration cycle that effectively 'defines' a plain RHF SCF solver
StepCollection<RHFSCFEnvironment<Scalar>> plain_rhf_scf_cycle {};
// Create a convergence criterion on the norm of subsequent density matrices
const auto density_matrix_extractor = [] (const RHFSCFEnvironment<Scalar>& environment) { return environment.density_matrices; };
const ConsecutiveIteratesNormConvergence<Orbital1DM<Scalar>, RHFSCFEnvironment<Scalar>> convergence_criterion (threshold, density_matrix_extractor);
return IterativeAlgorithm<RHFSCFEnvironment<Scalar>>(plain_rhf_scf_cycle, convergence_criterion, maximum_number_of_iterations);
The reader might confirm that the code is clear: in every iteration, the algorithm will check the convergence on the density matrices (cfr ConsecutiveIteratesNormConvergence
with a suitable iterate extractor). If the algorithm has not converged, an iteration cycle continues in which the following happens:
The RHF density matrix is calculated (from the most recent coefficient matrix)
The RHF Fock matrix is calculated (from the most recent density matrix);
The RHF Fock matrix is diagonalized (to yield a new coefficient matrix);
RHF energy is calculated (from the most recent coefficient matrix).
From this example, we can see that every StepCollection
consists of Step
s. Each of these Step
s are instances of classes with an implemented .execute(Environment)
method that usually 1) read from the environment, 2) calculate some value, 3) write to the environment, but the user is always free to implement his or her desires.
As a conclusion, we have achieved, in essence, a run-time specification of iterative algorithms and we therefore provide the highest amount of flexibility for the (knowing) user to experiment with different solver algorithms. We will continue to provide default implementations, but if a user requires a new kind of algorithm, i.e. one that requires a new kind of environment, he or she only has to implement a new type of Environment
and the necessary Step
Quantum chemical methods and models#
We define a quantum chemical model as a set of related electronic structure models with the same classes of parameters. For example, the RHF wave function model can be mathematically written as the orbital rotation operator acting on the closed-shell reference determinant. Its parameters are all the (occupied-virtual) orbital rotation generators. When we optimize a quantum chemical method, such that a certain objective is fulfilled, we have found its ‘optimal parameters’.
In the C++
code, a QCModel
is a hypothetical class (i.e. it does not really exist) that allows us to express all the variations for the electronic structure model. Coupled to QCModel
, we inseparably have the class QCObjective
. Let’s take a look at the essential source code.
template <typename _DerivedQCObjective>
class QCObjective :
public CRTP<_DerivedQCObjective> {
using DerivedQCObjective = _DerivedQCObjective;
template <typename QCModel>
bool isSatisfiedWith(const QCModel& model_parameters) const {
We see that we have made QCObjective
a compile-time base class, whose derived classes should implement isSatisfiedWith(const QCModel&)
. The optimized parameters are then an instance of QCModel
, such that a corresponding objective isSatisfiedWith
Since we had already introduced the namespace QCMethod
, we chose another name for the actual base class QCMethodProtocol
, of which we’ll inspect the source code.
template <typename _QCModel, typename _DerivedQCMethod>
class QCMethodProtocol:
public CRTP<_DerivedQCMethod> {
template <typename QCObjective, typename Solver, typename Environment>
QCStructure<QCModel> optimize(const QCObjective& objective, Solver& solver, Environment& environment) {
return this->derived().optimize(objective, solver, environment);
This class is thus naturally coupled to a QCModel
. Furthermore, classes that derive from QCMethodProtocol
, or, better: conform to it, must implement an optimize()
method, which takes an Objective
to allow to check if the solver
’s solution actually produces a solution that is consistent with the objective. It’s the QCMethod
’s responsibility to construct a QCModel
from the solver
’s solution, which is actually stored in the corresponding environment
and put them in a QCStructure
, which is a collection of ground- and possibly excited state model parameters.
Usage in an external project#
In order to use the C++ We have created a small example which showcases how to use GQCP
in an external C++ project.