DOCI calculations#

DOCI is, in essence, just another type of CI, so doing DOCI calculations is very analogous to doing FCI calculations.

# Force the local gqcpy to be imported
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../../build/gqcpy/')

import gqcpy
import numpy as np

Preparing the Hamiltonian in the canonical RHF basis#

As always, we’ll first set up the Hamiltonian in an orthonormal spinor basis. For this example, we’ll use the canonical RHF basis

molecule = gqcpy.Molecule.ReadXYZ("../../gqcp/tests/data/" , 0)  # create a neutral molecule
N = molecule.numberOfElectrons()
N_P = N // 2  # number of electron pairs

spinor_basis = gqcpy.RSpinOrbitalBasis_d(molecule, "STO-3G")
K = spinor_basis.numberOfSpatialOrbitals()
S = spinor_basis.quantize(gqcpy.OverlapOperator())
sq_hamiltonian = spinor_basis.quantize(gqcpy.FQMolecularHamiltonian(molecule))

environment = gqcpy.RHFSCFEnvironment_d.WithCoreGuess(N, sq_hamiltonian, S)
solver = gqcpy.RHFSCFSolver_d.Plain()
objective = gqcpy.DiagonalRHFFockMatrixObjective_d(sq_hamiltonian)  # use the default threshold of 1.0e-08
rhf_parameters = gqcpy.RHF_d.optimize(objective, solver, environment).groundStateParameters()
C = rhf_parameters.expansion()

Dense DOCI calculations#

For FCI, we would create the full spin-resolved ONV basis. For DOCI, we need the full seniority-zero ONV basis.

onv_basis = gqcpy.SeniorityZeroONVBasis(K, N_P)  # number of spatial orbitals, number of electron pairs

The subsequent steps are very analogous. We create a solver and associated environment, and use the CI QCMethod to find the optimal parameters and energies.

solver = gqcpy.EigenproblemSolver.Dense_d()
environment = gqcpy.CIEnvironment.Dense(sq_hamiltonian, onv_basis)
qc_structure = gqcpy.CI(onv_basis).optimize(solver, environment)
electronic_energy = qc_structure.groundStateEnergy()
[-0.9936273   0.11271556]
energy = electronic_energy + gqcpy.NuclearRepulsionOperator(molecule.nuclearFramework()).value()

‘Davidson’ DOCI calculations#

Here, we’ll use a Davidson solver to find the ground state parameters. Since this is an iterative procedure, we’ll have to supply an initial guess.

x0 = gqcpy.LinearExpansion_SeniorityZero.HartreeFock(onv_basis).coefficients()

We’ll then feed this initial guess to the environment, and let the CI method use the solver to find the optimized parameters (expansion coefficients).

solver_davidson = gqcpy.EigenproblemSolver.Davidson()
environment_davidson = gqcpy.CIEnvironment.Iterative(sq_hamiltonian, onv_basis, x0)
qc_structure_davidson = gqcpy.CI(onv_basis).optimize(solver_davidson, environment_davidson)
electronic_energy_davidson = qc_structure_davidson.groundStateEnergy()
[-0.9936273   0.11271556]